Thursday, January 8, 2009

Imaginary Muffins and My Alarm Clock Dilemma

Muffins are really good. Like really really good. Especially blueberry muffins. Even when they are imaginary. Albeit they are a tad less amazing, considering that they are imaginary, and thus you can't actually eat them. So anyways, I should probably talk about why I'm ranting about the greatness of muffins. So I was in the shower, just minding my own business, when a wave of muffiny goodness sucker punched my taste buds. I could distinctly taste the blueberrys, despite not having a muffin since last Sunday (I think). Combined with my recent auditory hallucination however, this doesn't seem too far fetched. Dang, I gotta hurry up on writing this. Okay Alarm clock dilemma. Alarm clock doesnt work. Instead of trying to fix it, I set my phone alarm. Then my phone alarm didn't work. But it didnt really matter because I woke up before both of them were supposed to go off. So I guess it didnt really matter. Thinking back on it now, that whole story was pretty unnessecary. Well thats enough for this morning. Damn, how do I exit today... I already used the "end in the middle of the sentence" gimmick. Well I guess I could say a random word and leave, like Candlejack! Actually no, that would be stu

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